9-10 October 2013

Committee on Transport, 14th session

  • Amman, Jordan
The fourteenth session of the Committee on Transport of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) was held in Amman, on 9 and 10 October 2013. It discussed items on the session agenda, namely the progress in implementing the recommendations of its previous session; the harmonization of institutional frameworks and legislation in the transport sector in the region; and methods to monitor the implementation of the Agreement on International Roads in the Arab Mashreq. The Committee issued a number of recommendations, some of a general nature and some relating specifically to items on the session agenda.

This report contains a brief summary of the discussions that took place on each agenda item, in addition to the outcomes and recommendations emerging from the session, and was adopted by the Committee at its final meeting.
Further information and details are available in the documents of the 14th session of transport committee here attached.

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