24-26 April 2012

Committee on Transport, 13th session

  • Beirut, Lebanon
ESCWA organized the 13th Session of the Committee on Transport at the UN House, Beirut, during 24-26 April 2012. The session represented a continuation of efforts made by the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) to complete the development of the Integrated Transport System in the Arab Mashreq (ITSAM) and follow up the implementation of its components, with a view to facilitating trade and transport between the countries of the region and achieving regional integration.
The Committee addressed the following two important issues: the harmonization of institutional frameworks and legislation in the transport sector in the ESCWA region; and financing projects for building the infrastructure of selected ITSAM components. In addition, the session reviewed the progress made in the field of transport since the 12th session (Beirut, 17-19 May 2012), the programme of work of ESCWA for the biennium 2012-2013 in the field of transport and consideration of the strategic framework for the biennium 2014-2015 in the field of transport.
Further information and details are available in the documents of the 13th session of transport committee here attached.
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