The Committee considered the following items on its agenda: (a) Review of action taken in the fields of economic globalization and financing for development under the ESCWA programme of work since the seventh session of the Committee; (b) financing for development: progress made in implementing the Monterrey Consensus in ESCWA member countries; (c) financial policy coordination among Arab countries: reality and future prospects; (d) role of national trade policies in the development of productive capacities in the Arab region; (e) fiscal space: strengthening the financial capacity of Arab countries; (f) financing infrastructure through public-private partnerships in Arab countries; (g) programme of work for the biennium 2014-2015 in the fields of liberalization of
foreign trade, economic globalization and financing for development; (h) date and venue of the ninth session of the Committee; (i) other matters; (j) adoption of the recommendations made by the Committee at its eighth meeting.