Consideration of Requests by States Members of the United Nations and/or its Specialized Agencies that are not Members of ESCWA to Participate as Observers in the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Commission
Management Issues: Proposal for the Establishment of an Intergovernmental Committee on Information and Communications Technology for Development
Management Issues: Proposed Amendments to the Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
Report of the Executive Secretary on the Activities of the Commission: Activities of the ESCWA Technology Centre in the Period 2011-2013
Report of the Executive Secretary on the Activities of the Commission: Financial Status of the Commission
Report of the Executive Secretary on the Activities of the Commission: Implementation of the Resolutions Adopted by the Commission at its Twenty-seventh Session
Report of the Executive Secretary on the Activities of the Commission: Programme Performance in the Biennium 2012-2013
Report of the Executive Secretary on the Activities of the Commission: Reports of the Subsidiary Bodies on their Sessions
Report of the Executive Secretary on the Activities of the Commission: Technical Cooperation and Regional Advisory Services
Social Justice in the Policies of Arab States: Intergenerational Justice and Access to Natural Resources
Adoption of session reports of the subsidiary bodies of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
Redesignating the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia as the “Economic and Social Commission for Arab States”
Redesignating the Technical Committee as the “Executive Committee” and amending its terms of reference