

منشور الإسكوا: E/ESCWA/SD/2015/1/Manual

الدولة: Arab region, Kingdom of Morocco, State of Palestine, Republic of Tunisia

نوع المنشور: Training material

المجموعة المتخصصة: Statistics, Information Society and Technology

مجالات العمل: Natural resource sustainability, Statistics

مبادرات: Advancing environment & energy statistics

أهداف التنمية المستدامة: Agenda 2030

الكلمات المفتاحية: Arab countries, Data collection, Energy consumption, Energy statistics, Public sector statistics, Statistical methodology, Sustainable energy, Transport, Canada, Manuals

Training manual on methodologies for data collection on energy use by the transport sector

كانون الثاني/يناير 2015

The purpose of the manual is to provide a starting point for those in government bodies responsible for planning surveys; create a common understanding of terms and concepts; establish a common framework for reviewing and evaluating final energy consumption surveys; and summarize regional experiences. It serves as a reference on methodologies for data collection regarding energy use by the transport sector, as well as providing models for estimation (supply and use) and case studies from Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia and Canada.

منتجات معرفية ذات صلة
Natural resource sustainability , Statistics ,
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