بيانات صحفية

25 تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر 2011


ESCWA Views Democratic Transition

Beirut, 25 November 2011 (United Nations Information Service) — The UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) held the Inter-Regional Seminar on Participatory Development and Conflict Resolution: Path of Democratic Transition and Social Justice on 23-24 November at the UN House in Beirut. Participants included leading field actors, political activists, experts, representatives of governments, civil society organizations, research centers, academic institutions, media, UN agencies, regional and international organizations. Chief of the Social Participatory Development Section in ESCWA Walid Hilal delivered an opening statement, in which he pointed out that overthrowing political regimes is not sufficient, despite its significance, to effect a democratic transition. He said such a transition is linked to the political culture of the forces of change and the means and methods of their work. Hilal argued that while a broad spectrum of political forces agree on the democratic choice and on some of the general objectives of democratic reform programs, yet disagreements might emerge in translating such objectives, especially about issues and challenges pertaining the exercise of individual freedom and rights as conditions of citizenship and pillars of democracy alike. Hilal added that roles of national governments, civil societies, business and professional sectors, governments of developed countries, as well as regional and international organizations have become subject to change in terms of decision-making. He pointed out that the role of the UN, as a partner of these social actors, can be enhanced through its contribution in reform and capacity- building processes aimed at supporting the path of democratic transition. He concluded by underscoring the need for the UN to uphold the status of women, who effectively contributed to social activism, and that it was no longer acceptable to exclude them from decision-making. The seminar’s discussions focused on changes taking place in the region, since the beginning of 2011, which are leading to reassessment of political options for these states and their growing interest in democratic transition as an option that provides participatory development opportunities and achieving peace and security within each country and in their ties with countries worldwide. Recommendations of the seminar focused on the need to develop a new vision to approach ongoing changes in Arab region, which includes a rare opportunity to achieve parity between Arab societies and their Western peers, as it became possible to negotiate a new social contract. Participants also stressed the need to involve the new political forces emerging from social activism in developing this vision and determining its conceptual frameworks, goals and implementation mechanisms. For more information about conference’s studies, discussions, recommendations, please contact Mr. Walid Hilal, Chief of Social Participatory Development Section in the Social Development Division – ESCWA, phone number:+961-1-978406, or via e-mail: hilalw@un.org.
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