بيانات صحفية

9 تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر 2010


Lebanese Prime Minister opens the 14th Regional Coordination Mechanism

Beirut, 09 November 2010 (UN Information Service) — Lebanese Prime Minister Saad El Hariri will open the 14th Regional Coordination Mechanism (RCM) meeting for all UN agencies operating in the Arab region. The meeting, organized by ESCWA, will be held on Thursday 11 November at 9:00 am at the UN House in Beirut. In addition to El Hariri, the UN Deputy Secretary General Asha-Rose Migiro and ESCWA Executive Secretary Rima Khalaf will deliver statements at the opening session. The theme of this year’s RCM meeting will be Youth and Poverty Reduction, in line with the International Year of Youth and preparations for the 2011 Economic and Social Council deliberations on Poverty Reduction. A closing press conference to announce recommendations of the 14th RCM will be held on Friday 12 November at 5:00 PM. The RCM meeting will be attended by regional directors and officials of UN agencies and offices. It aims at promoting strategic coordination and information sharing at the regional and sub-regional levels among UN entities and other regional and sub-regional partners. The emphasis of this year’s meeting is to enhance multi-stakeholder engagement both within and between the UN system and strategic regional stakeholders in addressing development challenges of youth. UNIC Beirut kindly requests all news media to provide this meeting highlight it deserves. Instructions for Press are attached.

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