بيانات صحفية

30 أيلول/سبتمبر 2010


ESCWA Executive Secretary Bids Farewell to UN House

Italy to Become Observer in ESCWA

Beirut, 30 September 2010 (UN Information Services) -- UN Undersecretary-General and Executive Secretary of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) Bader AlDafa has left the Regional Commission’s quarters in Beirut this afternoon upon the completion of his mission. In the presence of all Directors of ESCWA Divisions and staff members, UN Security guards performed the traditional parade for AlDafa, as is the case in the farewells of all executive secretaries. Earlier this week, AlDafa delivered a farewell speech in a ceremony organized by ESCWA at the UN House in Beirut. It was attended by Lebanese Information Minister Tarek Mitri, representing Lebanon’s President and Prime Minister, Simon Moawwad, representing Lebanese House Speaker, and a host of politicians, diplomats, senior military officers and media representatives. In his statement, AlDafa expressed his deep gratitude and sincere appreciation to the three top Lebanese leaders and other decision makers, and to ESCWA member countries for the support they gave to the Regional Commission in facilitating its work during challenging political and economic times. The outgoing executive secretary noted that ESCWA was able to meet the challenges it encountered despite limited resources, owing to the dedication and commitment of its staff. AlDafa concluded by asserting his loyalty to the Organization and his willingness to offer help and service whenever needed. He received a commemorative shield from all staff members. Preceding the farewell parade, AlDafa met with Italian Ambassador to Lebanon Gabriel Chicchia, who delivered to him a letter requesting that Italy join ESCWA as an observer member country. ESCWA believes that such a partnership will enrich its work and programs and will shed light on the concerns of the Western Asia region among developed countries, in view of achieving economic and social integration and development for ESCWA members and promoting cultural dialogue. “I am very pleased (with this partnership), because it confirms attachment of Italy to the UN system, values, initiatives and principles,” Chicchia said upon the exchange of official letters on the matter. “This is something we have been working on for the last six months. My government believes it is the right choice. I handed over officially to Mr. AlDafa our request, which he accepted.” He added that the request will be communicated to ESCWA members officially and to the next Executive Secretary, Rima Khalaf. “We know ESCWA has a major role in promoting socio-economic development in the region, and I am sure we will learn a lot from it. I leave the country proud to have been able to achieve this strategic result,” concluded Chicchia, who is also ending his tenure in Lebanon in two weeks. AlDafa had paid courtesy farewell visits to Lebanese House Speaker Nabih Berri, who gave him the parliament’s honorary shield in recognition of his efforts in Lebanon and the region, and to Prime Minister Saad Hariri. Earlier in the week, a reception was held for AlDafa at the Taif Forum by MP Bahiya Hariri. On 30 July 2007, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon appointed Bader AlDafa of Qatar as Executive Secretary of ESCWA. AlDafa had served as ambassador of Qatar to the United States and as permanent observer to the Organization of American States. In that capacity, he played a special role in promoting access to education and arts in the Arab-American community and other minority populations in the USA. AlDafa has had a long and distinguished career in foreign affairs and non-governmental services, which included representing Qatar as ambassador to the Russian Federation, France, Egypt and Spain. He also served as non-resident ambassador to Finland, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Switzerland and Mexico. AlDafa also held the position of director of the European and American Affairs Department at Qatar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. AlDafa received his Masters in International Public Policy from Johns Hopkins University and his Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Economics from Western Michigan University in the United States. He was awarded the Order Du Mérite from the Republic of France.
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