بيانات صحفية

29 تموز/يوليو 2008


Social Exclusion Debated at the UN House

Who are the excluded groups in the ESCWA region and what makes them so? What is Social Exclusion? How is it different from poverty? Who does it affect and why? Questions that UN-ESCWA and a quorum of regional experts, academics and activists will attempt to answer this week, on 1-2 August at an expert group meeting on “Social Exclusion in the ESCWA Region: Determinants and Indicators”, to be held at the UN House, Beirut. Three UN-ESCWA countries, Lebanon, Yemen and Egypt, have served as research grounds for this topic. UN-ESCWA conducted 36 –in-depth interviews with men and women who live on the margins unable to benefit from different opportunities and services. Groups included refugees, street children, persons living with HIV/AIDS, Maqaber residents, and others. Participants in the meeting, which opens at 9:00 AM on Friday 1 August, will discuss the findings of -studies, UN-ESCWA’s definition of social exclusion; and the research methodology required to capture social exclusion and to make it a useful and meaningful tool of analysis in the Western Asia region. UN-ESCWA’s work on social exclusion is part of the United Nations Development Account Project (UNDAP), “Interregional Cooperation to Strengthen Social Inclusion, Gender Equality and Health Promotion in the Millennium development Goals (MDGs)”, initiated in 2006. Since the general targets of the MDGs do not adequately address certain disadvantaged groups in different societies, the project is intended to supplement the MDGs with specific targets and localized indicators that measure the determinants of the exclusion and which take into account the challenges and differences facing the different regions in their progress towards the these millennium goals. UN-ESCWA is one of the five UN Regional Commissions. It is comprised of 13 member countries: Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. Its objective is to support economic and social cooperation among the countries of the region and promote the development process in order to achieve regional integration. * *** *
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