بيانات صحفية

27 تشرين الأول/أكتوبر 2007


Amman Hosts UN-ESCWA Workshop on Data Compilation and Application of Methodological Concepts

– In collaboration with the UN Statistics Department, (UNSD), UN-ESCWA (Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia) is organizing a workshop on “Data Compilation and Application of Methodological Concepts”, at the Radisson SAS Hotel, Amman, Jordan between 28 October and 2 November 2007. The workshop, which will open on Sunday 28 October at 09:00 am, is geared towards updating the capabilities of officers in the implementation of the concepts and definitions in collecting, processing and disseminating international merchandize trade statistics. It will also raise awareness on the importance of the use of technology to collect, process and disseminate statistics in customs administrations and central statistics offices. The workshop will also present and discuss the importance of institutional processes and coordination between national institutions involved in trade data compilation, and will exchange experiences and concerns between UN-ESCWA member countries. The workshop will encourage expertise exchange between UN-ESCWA member countries, and discuss hindrances to the application of the concepts and definitions in collecting, processing and disseminating international merchandize trade statistics. The workshop will also agree on practical recommendations to assist UN-ESCWA member countries in improving their statistical capabilities in the area of international merchandize trade statistics, according to international standards. Participants in the workshop include experts from national statistics offices, customs administration and central banks in the UN-ESCWA member countries, as well as from Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria, UNSD, the UN Conference on Trade and Development (Automated System for Customs Data- ASYUDA) and the World Customs Organization (WCO). Experts from other UN agencies, regional and international organizations are also expected to attend.

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