بيانات صحفية

2 آب/أغسطس 2006


UNESCWA Seminar on Population Census in Egypt Concludes, Recommends Contribution of National Potentials in Giving Accurate Data

Participants in the UNESCWA seminar on “Population, Housing and Establishment Censuses in the Context of Development" held in Cairo on 30-31 July 2006 under the patronage of Egyptian Prime Minister considered that the implementation of the census is Egypt was an important opportunity to be used in indicating the effects of population issues over development and the future needs in Egypt not only at the national and provincial levels. They also considered that the census would constitute a great opportunity for trust building between the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) in Egypt and data users from governmental, non-governmental organizations, the private sector and civil society institutions. Participants in the meeting stressed the necessity of developing a comprehensive media strategy to contribute to the census through giving right and accurate data, which would be used for development planning. Participants agreed on the necessity for the Census Directorate to disseminate data electronically as well as through traditional means in order to ensure their timely outreach.

Participants in the meeting, who praised the efforts of UNESCWA in supporting United Nations 2010 World Program of Population and Housing Censuses through organizing workshops and contributing to the preparation of recommendations, had listened in the opening session on Sunday to statements delivered by Executive Secretary Mervat Tallawy, Ms. Fayza Abul-Naga, Egyptian Minister for International Cooperation and General Abu-Bakr el-Goundy Chairperson of the CAPMAS. In her statement, Tallawy said that the census operation in Egypt to begin in November would provide accurate and verifiable data on the reality in which the Egyptian people were living. Speaking of the current situation in Lebanon, Tallawy stressed that UNESCWA official headquarters would remain in Beirut and that the Vienna temporary office was established to facilitate contacts with member countries.

Participating in the meeting were a number of Egyptian ministers, representatives of concerned ministries and government departments in Egypt, United Nations agencies in Cairo, scholars and university professors, as well as 110 experts and UN Goodwill Ambassadors. It is worth noting that UNESCWA is continuing the implementation of its work program from its permanent headquarters in Beirut and its temporary office in Vienna. The seminar on “Population, Housing and Establishment Censuses in the Context of Development" was held in Cairo as part of the Commission’s annual meetings and conferences planned to take place outside Lebanon.

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