Ministerial Sessions materials

Frequency of sessions of the Technical Committee on Liberalization of Foreign Trade, Economic Globalization and Financing for Development
in the Countries of the ESCWA Region
27th Session
May 2012 |
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Evaluation of the work of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
27th Session
May 2012 |
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Adoption of the draft strategic framework for the biennium 2014-2015
27th Session
May 2012 |
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Adoption of session reports of the subsidiary bodies of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
27th Session
May 2012 |
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Guiding Declaration of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia on giving greater attention to Youth Policies: An Opportunity for Development
26th Session
May 2010 |
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Upgrading the Section for Emerging and Conflict-Related Issues to the level of a division
26th Session
May 2010 |
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Upgrading the ESCWA Centre for Women to the level of a division and follow-up to the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action
in the Arab countries after fifteen years: Beijing + 15
26th Session
May 2010 |
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Establishment of the ESCWA technology centre
26th Session
May 2010 |
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Enhancing public sector institutions and resources to attain national development goals
26th Session
May 2010 |
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Social development
26th Session
May 2010 |
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Arab MDG monitor for societal progress
26th Session
May 2010 |
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Adoption of the draft strategic framework for the biennium 2012-2013
26th Session
May 2010 |
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Adoption of the amendments introduced to the programme of work for the biennium 2010-2011
26th Session
May 2010 |
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Adoption of session reports of the subsidiary bodies of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
26th Session
May 2010 |
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ESCWA member country compliance with international standards for enhancing national statistical systems
25th Session
May 2008 |
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