To discuss challenges raised by climate change in the Arab region and means to address them, ESCWA organized a virtual workshop on Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA) on 27 July, in partnership with LAS and FAO RNE. KJWA was adopted through a decision at the 2017 UNFCCC on the significance of the agriculture sector in adapting to and mitigating climate change.
The workshop discussed the KJWA roadmap, the European Union’s Green Deal, and their benefits and implications for the Arab region, focusing on the importance of including agriculture in negotiations on climate change.
Participants agreed on the importance of reaching a harmonized Arab position towards KJWA and determining climate change adaptation measures that are specific to the agriculture sector. They also invited Arab countries to participate extensively in the KJWA.
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25 Aug 2020
Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture in the Arab region