28 November 2023

Beirut time


Yemen Vision for Recovery and Development: validation meeting with independent experts

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In the framework of the Yemen Vision for Recovery and Development initiative launched in 2022 and as part of the two-phase dialogue to discuss the goals, priorities and strategies of the recovery vision in Yemen, ESCWA is organizing a validation meeting with independent experts from Yemen to address the topics of recovery and development.

The meeting is aimed at discussing the draft vision for recovery and development in Yemen, as well as exploring the way forward to accelerate recovery in the country.

Outcome document

The Governance and Conflict Prevention cluster at ESCWA held a virtual meeting as part of its "Yemen Vision for Recovery and Development" initiative. The meeting was held with a group of independent experts to validate the draft vision. The main objective of this meeting was to discuss the draft vision of recovery and development in Yemen with experts and specialists from representatives from research, academia and civil society entities in Yemen. The vision document will serve as a long-term blueprint for recovery and development and aims to move Yemen from conflict and put it onto a trajectory of sustainable development.

In this two-session meeting, participants discussed the Yemen Vision for Recovery and Development draft and discussed the necessary steps towards accelerating the recovery process. During the discussions, the experts shared with the ESCWA team valuable comments that would enrich the final version of the vision.

The vision is based on the outcomes of technical socio-economic dialogue discussions among independent experts from Yemen on recovery and development. The dialogue meetings were held on 28-29 November 2022 in Amman, Jordan, 15-16 March 2023 in Cairo, Egypt, and on 19-20 July 2023 in Amman, Jordan. These meetings resulted in identifying the most important recovery pillars, based on consensus upon recovery’s guiding principles to ensure inclusiveness, sustainability, and prevention of relapse into conflict. In addition, the discussions defined recovery’s goals, priorities, and strategies, which were further developed by a team of Yemeni experts to draft the recovery vision document that we have today.

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