27 January 2022

Beirut time


Second meeting of the Joint Ministerial Council for Agriculture and Water

  • Online

The second meeting of the Joint Ministerial Council for Agriculture and Water was organized by the League of Arab States (LAS) in cooperation with the Ministerial Councils specializing in the LAS and the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development, in partnership with ESCWA and the Food and Agriculture Organization.

The meeting aimed to increase the level of institutional coordination between the agriculture and water sectors through the preparation, implementation and adoption of sound, sustainable measures which consider the rights of future generations to access water and food.

Several Arab ministers and experts from the Arab ministries responsible for water and agriculture in the Arab region participated in the meeting.

Outcome document

  • Adoption of the action plan of the Cairo Declaration and referring it to the next Arab summit in accordance with the mechanisms followed in the League of Arab States.
  • Adoption the guidelines for allocating water for agriculture, and referring them to the next Arab summit, according to the mechanisms used in the League of Arab States.
  • Inviting the Joint Technical Secretariat, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) to prepare a report based on the presented working paper on the reality, challenges, and future of non-conventional water in the Arab region and how to expand its use.

After discussion it was decided to:

1.Adopt the Action Plan to operationalize Cairo Declaration and refer it to the next Arab Summit or the one after, according to the standing procedures of the League of Arab States.

2. Invite the Joint Technical Secretariat and its partners to communicate with Arab Funds, Regional Banks, and relevant Organizations and Donors to mobilize resources and support to implement the Action Plan to operationalize Cairo Declaration.

3. Invite the Joint Technical Secretariat to report on the progress in implementing the resolution and present it during the next meeting of the Joint Ministerial Council.

After discussion, it was decided to:
1. Adopt the Guideline on Water Allocation for Agriculture and refer it to the next Arab Summit or the one after according to the standing procedures of the League of Arab States.

2. Invite countries, willing to voluntary implement the Guidelines, to communicate with the Joint Technical Secretariat before the end of April 2022, to enable its partners to prepare an action plan to support the

application of the Guidelines in interested countries.

3. Invite the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UNESCWA) to provide support to countries willing to voluntary try applying the proposed Guidelines on Water Allocation on the field at the level of pilot projects.

4. Invite countries, which have Guidelines on Water Allocation, to share them with the Joint Technical Secretariat by email (shuhryar@yahoo.com and

kamel.mostafa.elsayed@gmail.com) to enable the dissemination of experiences among countries for the of all.

5. Invite the Joint Technical Secretariat to report on the progress in implementing the resolution and present it during the next meeting of the Joint Ministerial Council.

After discussion, it was decided to:

1.Invite the Joint Technical Secretariat, The FAO, and ESCWA to prepare a report on the status, challenges and future of non-conventional water in the Arab region and the way to expand its use, based on the

presented scoping paper.

2. Present the report to the upcoming meeting of the High-Level Joint Technical Committee for discussion and submit a recommendation to the Joint Ministerial Council on the necessary next steps to benefit from the outcomes of the report.

3. Invite the Joint Technical Secretariat to report on the progress in implementing the resolution and present it during the meeting of the next Ministerial Council.

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