29 March 2022

Beirut time

Special event

Closing adaptation knowledge gaps

  • Atlantis, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Within the activities of the MENA Climate Week 2022 and the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative (LAKI), ESCWA, in partnership with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the United Nations Environment Programme Regional Office for West Asia, the World Green Economy Organization, and the Regional Collaboration Center for the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia, is organizing an event to build momentum to close adaptation knowledge gaps in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

This event responds to the knowledge and resilience needs of countries through tailored information crucial for implementing adaptation actions, a key element of the Paris Agreement. The event demonstrates the role of LAKI, as a joint initiative, in engaging experts from different international, regional and national agencies to take further steps to close existing knowledge gaps regarding climate impacts in the North African and Gulf Cooperation Council subregions.

The meeting gathers government representatives, adaptation experts and practitioners, implementing agencies and networks in the MENA region, and bilateral and multilateral donors.

Outcome document

  • Promote the ongoing and new LAKI collaborative actions on climate-smart agriculture and nature-based solutions to scale up adaptation actions in the North African and GCC subregions.
  • Engage financial institutions to showcase available funding opportunities for supporting collaborative actions under LAKI.
  • Share lessons learned from the LAKI initiative in GCC and North African subregions, that are applicable in scaling up the LAKI in other subregions of the world.

The host government representative from the UAE provided key messages on adaptation priorities and actions to build climate resilience of the region.

Director of the Adaptation Division at UNFCCC highlighted key outcomes from COP 26 as well as the role of the LAKI under the Nairobi Work Programme and its role in addressing regional adaptation needs and priorities.

H.E. Minister of Environment of Egypt highlighted the LAKI process in the region and its progress since 2015 and underscored the importance of adaptation solutions for the region.

Each lead organization (National Agricultural Research Center, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization) explained the specific adaptation challenges their geographic region faces and provided an overview on their ongoing collaborative initiatives. The panelists also discussed how their partnerships are supporting decision makers to get the relevant information they need to scale up specific adaptation actions. This was followed by feedback and questions from the audience.

Financial institution representatives (IsDB and UNEP GAN/Finance Initiative) provided an overview of available financial investments in the region, their priorities – as well as other regional windows/opportunities of funding. This was followed by an interactive brainstorming session with all participants.

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