20-23 آذار/مارس 2022
حلقة عمل

بناء قدرات الشباب في العمل الاجتماعي التنموي: تدريب المدربين

  • الدوحة، قطر

في إطار تعزيز العمل الاجتماعي التنموي في قطر وترسيخ ثقافة المواطنة من خلال تشجيع الشبان والشابات على زيادة المشاركة في المجتمع، تعمل الإسكوا مع مركز الإنماء الاجتماعي "نماء" على مشروع "بناء قدرات الشبان والشابات القطريين في مجال العمل الاجتماعي التنموي".  

تنظّم الإسكوا ورشة لتدريب المدربين بهدف تنمية قدرات الشبان والشابات العاملين في مجال التنمية المجتمعية. وكان هؤلاء الشباب قد تدرّبوا آنفاً خلال ورشة العمل التوجيهية لتفعيل مشاركة الشباب ودورهم في العمل الاجتماعي.  

تعتمد المواد والوحدات التدريبية على مضمون دليل للمدربين والمدربات وضعته الإسكوا في إطار مشروع يركز على  المهارات والصفات المطلوبة في التدريب.


الوثيقة الختامية

The ToT aimed at enabling young professionals in the field of social work in Qatar to:

  1. Understand the different training types and the experiential learning cycle.
  2. Acquire techniques to enhance the participation of trainees.
  3. Highlight the basic qualities, principles, and behaviours that trainers must adopt to improve the effectiveness of training.
  4. Enhance the communication and facilitation skills needed to deliver a training.
  5. Learn how to design a training workshop and develop a lesson plan for each session.
  6. Assess the extent to which the training workshop achieved the desired learning objectives.

The ToT culminated in a number of overall recommendations for enhancing youth participation in social work:

  • Spread the ToT program over a longer duration that allows for more opportunities to practice and give feedback for each participant to develop their skills and accompany them in future trainings.
  • Organize one-on-one coaching and follow-up from expert trainers to provide support in session design and feedback during the sessions, in addition to working directly on skills improvement as requested by the trainees.
  • Facilitate the establishment of a support and learning circle between the trainees in order to assist each other when preparing and delivering trainings. This can be in the form of pairing / matching them to assist each other and give feedback when designing and delivering a training, or by allowing a participant to shadow another trainer.

    The ToT aimed at enabling young professionals in the field of social work in Qatar to:

  • Understand the different training types and the experiential learning cycle.
  • Acquire techniques to enhance the participation of trainees.
  • Highlight the basic qualities, principles, and behaviours that trainers must adopt to improve the effectiveness of training.
  • Enhance the communication and facilitation skills needed to deliver a training.
  • Learn how to design a training workshop and develop a lesson plan for each session.
  • Assess the extent to which the training workshop achieved the desired learning objectives.
  • The ToT culminated in a number of overall recommendations for enhancing youth participation in social work:

  • Spread the ToT program over a longer duration that allows for more opportunities to practice and give feedback for each participant to develop their skills and accompany them in future trainings.
  • Organize one-on-one coaching and follow-up from expert trainers to provide support in session design and feedback during the sessions, in addition to working directly on skills improvement as requested by the trainees.
  • Facilitate the establishment of a support and learning circle between the trainees in order to assist each other when preparing and delivering trainings. This can be in the form of pairing / matching them to assist each other and give feedback when designing and delivering a training, or by allowing a participant to shadow another trainer.

Reminder of the Coaching workshop contents

Introduction: The various forms of Training

What is the Experiential Learning Path?

What are the principles and patterns of adult-oriented learning?

- What are the characteristics and phases of each active technique to ensure its effective use?

- How can active techniques be used in the training process?

- What are the behaviours that must be adopted during the training process?

- What are the functions that are performed during the training process?

- What verbal and nonverbal communication skills affect the training or facilitation process?

- What is the facilitation process?

- How can facilitators employ these skills in the facilitation or training process?

- What are the most common behaviours within the groups during the training process?

- How do these behaviours affect group dynamics and the learning process?

- What are the tools or methods that can be used to deal with these behaviours?


- What are the foundations for developing a training workshop program?

- How is a training workshop program developed?

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